Comfort Zone

The Comfort Zone

The Ever Present Comfort Zone In the comments section of a blog post that I read the other day, someone mentioned that they had stepped out of their comfort zone.  Immediately a blog post started circulating in my head and this is the result. The term “comfort zone” is a situation …


What the Tweet is Going On?

Confessions of the Tweet-less Yeah, I admit it.  I don’t get Twitter so I’m on a quest to increase my Twitter presence and knowledge base about all things Twitterville.  I understand the part about the 140 character limitation, but what I don’t understand is how to use those limitations to build relationships …

Visionary 40 Strong

I Am Woman Network Visionary 40 The power and energy of the I Am Woman Network Grand Launch was amazing and so is the power and energy of the V40.  Imagine a group of 40 committed, passionate and determined women who trust God enough to follow the vision he has …


Cash or Character?

Getting Our Priorities Straight A few weeks ago, I was browsing the archives of Our Daily Bread, and I happened to run across the following under the tag humility: “If you’d rather have cash than character, if your credit cards are maximized and your righteousness is minimized, if you’ve become …

Why I Am Not Done

Why I Am Not Done by Guest Writer Sreelatha Meleth Most people, who look at my life from the outside, would consider it pretty perfect, and they would not be very wrong. In my marriage of 35 years, I am still learning and growing in the relationship. We have a good income, two …

Learning to Forgive Ourselves

Learning to Forgive Ourselves How long do we walk around carrying our own burden of un-forgiveness?  The answer in most cases is – Too Long!  Sometimes forgiveness of others comes easier than forgiveness of ourselves.  It is noble and wise to be convicted of our wrong doings, but to wallow …

Happy New Year, Whew

Happy New Year: In With the New By Guest Writer DJ Ok, so we are in the 3rd week of 2015!  Most people are still greeting those whom they have not seen since last year with a “Happy New Year” greeting. I can’t tell you how many people I have …

Taking Ownership of Other’s Anger

Anger:  A Living, Breathing Thing Have you ever been angry for so long that the anger intensifies into what seems like a living, breathing thing?  The anger seems to take on a life of its own right along side of you.  Even more disturbing is that it takes on a …

2015 Daily Dose of Gratitude

2015 Daily Dose of Gratitude

Wake Up With an Attitude of Gratitude How much or how often do you acknowledge the things for which you are grateful?  Surprisingly you may find that your answer is “not often enough.” Why is that?  Surely you realize how much you have to be grateful and that gratitude will greatly …

I Am a Woman of Vision

To Visionary Women Everywhere It is my best recollection that I have been a Woman of Vision since the early to mid-90’s.  Let me be clear, these visions are not of my own doing.  Oh no, far from it.  Anytime I get an idea in my head that comes along …

2015 Daily Dose of Gratitude

Don’t Resolve. Reset!

Life Reset 101 Doggone it.  It’s that time of year again where we’ll soon commit or recommit to a goal that we set at exactly the same time last year.  Yes, I’m talking about the tried and not so true New Year’s Resolution.  What will it be this year:  lose …

A Work in Progress

We’re a Work in Progress Much like the Renew Refresh Reset Your Life blog, people are a work In Progress.  It’s not always easy to come up with new content to post here and keep the creative juices flowing.  So is true with our own lives. We may find ourselves …

Are You Busy Being Busy?

Are You Really Too Busy? Sometimes I have to ask myself the question:  Are You Busy Being Busy? True enough, I always have a lot going on, but am I really too busy to take time out for what’s really important (i.e. family, friends, me time)?  Well occasionally I am, but …

Where Does Time Go?

My How Time Flies Time just seems to escape us on occasion.  It’s been over a month since I’ve written a blog post and the title of it was “It’s Always Something.”  I find that ironic since the tune of this post, and that one are in sync.  There is …

It’s Always Something: Doubt. Fear. Life Interuppted.

Roseanne Rosannadanna In the days when I used to watch Saturday Night Live, Gilda Radner’s character would always crack me up.  I always looked forward to her sketches. Many of you will remember her famous line “it’s always something.” No matter how many times I heard her utter those words, it …