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Taking Ownership of Other’s Anger

Anger:  A Living, Breathing Thing Have you ever been angry for so long that the anger intensifies into what seems like a living, breathing thing?  The anger seems to take on a life of its own right along side of you.  Even more disturbing is that it takes on a …

It’s Always Something: Doubt. Fear. Life Interuppted.

Roseanne Rosannadanna In the days when I used to watch Saturday Night Live, Gilda Radner’s character would always crack me up.  I always looked forward to her sketches. Many of you will remember her famous line “it’s always something.” No matter how many times I heard her utter those words, it …

The Source of My Strength

Recognizing the Source of My Strength One of my co-workers is always saying that I have so much energy.  I don’t always recognize that because I just do what I do without ever thinking about it. But then when she mentions it, I do kind of seem like the Eveready Energizer Bunny (that …


Over 50 and Starting a Business Starting a business at the age of 50+ may be just the right move for you.  Heck you’ve got the patience, life experience, and a mindset that you likely you didn’t have in your 20’s and 30’s.  According to Entrepreneur Magazine (online), many entrepreneurs …

How Do I Love Me?

How Do I Love Me?

Let Me Count the Ways That I Love Me This post is all about self love and loving the person that you are.  Although I don’t believe that you really need  reasons to love yourself.  You just should that’s all (just because). I know that there are people in the …


Daydreaming and I’m Thinking of… Daydreaming and I’m thinking of you.  Daydreaming and I’m thinking of you. Look at my love. Floating a way.  Sound familiar?  If you quessed it was one of Aretha Franklin’s hottest tunes, you guessed right. I woke up in the middle of the night with …