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It’s Always Something: Doubt. Fear. Life Interuppted.

Roseanne Rosannadanna In the days when I used to watch Saturday Night Live, Gilda Radner’s character would always crack me up.  I always looked forward to her sketches. Many of you will remember her famous line “it’s always something.” No matter how many times I heard her utter those words, it …


Over 50 and Starting a Business Starting a business at the age of 50+ may be just the right move for you.  Heck you’ve got the patience, life experience, and a mindset that you likely you didn’t have in your 20’s and 30’s.  According to Entrepreneur Magazine (online), many entrepreneurs …

Reset Your Life Through Financial Freedom

Great Time With Great Hosts & Guess I was proud to be guest speaker a the Reset Your Life Through Financial Freedom seminar.  Cornelius and Timekia Brayboy were delightful and an inspiration to work with.  The audience was very much engaged and I certainly appreciated their warm welcome and participation. …

How Do I Love Me?

How Do I Love Me?

Let Me Count the Ways That I Love Me This post is all about self love and loving the person that you are.  Although I don’t believe that you really need  reasons to love yourself.  You just should that’s all (just because). I know that there are people in the …

Crawl, Walk or Run

Getting to Where You’re Going We’ve all heard the saying “you’ve got to crawl before you walk.”  At some point, you have to decide to get up off of your knees and take that major first step.  It’s okay to think, dream and make plans to accomplish a goal or …

Brenda Mullen: Passion Over Paycheck

Renewing, Refreshing and Resetting My life as a Full Time San Antonio TX Realtor® So, what do you say when a good friend, Charita Cadenhead asks you to write a guest post to submit to her new-found ministry of Renew, Refresh and Reset your Life?  Well, you say yes of …

Find Your Gift. Discover Your Purpose.

A Take Away From James Edwards I was watching a clip of James Edwards (The Most Valuable Motivator) being interviewed by Kenny Anderson.  I’ve known James for about a year and I’ve read his story as given to me by James in a manuscript.  But the manuscript was nothing like …

Turn Your Job Into a Career

Set Your Goal Beyond Getting a Job When you got your current job, was that all you wanted?  Was getting that job the “end” goal?  Did you plan for the “buck” to stop there?  For many of you, I sincerely hope that the answer to all three questions is “no.” The problem with …