Find Your Gift. Discover Your Purpose.

A Take Away From James Edwards

I was watching a clip of James Edwards (The Most Valuable Motivator) being interviewed by Kenny Anderson.  I’ve known James for about a year and I’ve read his story as given to me by James in a manuscript.  But the manuscript was nothing like hearing him talk about his journey from a life in the world of drug distribution that resulted in imprisonment and ultimately to a life motivating others.

The entire interview served as a backdrop to his life as he’s living it now, but my major takeaway was about how finding your gift will lead to you finding your purpose.  That portion of the interview alone is so in sync with the mission of Renew Refresh Reset Your Life.  It’s all about discovering what drives you and how that drive can shape you and benefits others.

What drives you?  Be in constant search of your own gift and then share it with the world? God didn’t give us gifts to store up for ourselves.

Find Your Gift. Discover Your Purpose

I encourage you to watch the video below in it’s entirety for a compelling tale of James’ journey.  Moreover, watch it as it will serve or should serve as a catalyst to set you upon a mission to find your gift and discover your purpose.  It may not be what you think it is.

It’s people like James Edwards and Joe Lockett that continue to inspire me to push forward.

“Every day presents another opportunity to hit the reset button on your life.”  Charita Cadenhead