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Life Lessons

Abusive Relationships

Straight Talk About Abusive Relationships

Precious S. Brown Gives it to Us Straight My guest today on Renew Refresh Reset Your Life TV on was Precious S. Brown, Divorcologist. Precious talked very candidly about her tumultuous marriage, drug usage, a gun to her head and the decision that it was time to break away …

The Value and Balance of Being Vulnerable

A Great Lesson About Being Vulnerable I was having a conversation with someone the other day and the topic lingered on my mind well into the day.  Vulnerability was not the specific topic of discussion but that was the gist of it.  Later in the afternoon I started a discussion …

Status Quo

Release the Status Quo

Status Quo is defined by Webster’s as – The existing state of affairs. Example: He/she is content with the status quo and does not like change.  Think about that for a minute…”existing state of affairs and does not like change.” To be perfectly honest, most of us don’t like change, but …

I Am Woman Enough

I Am Woman Enough – The Book The combination of woman and affirmation equal a powerful force.  The insights into the lives of 22 woman represented in the I Am Woman Enough book are the same insights that many women reading the book will walk away saying “I could have written the very …

Afraid to Succeed by D Green Joseph

Afraid To Succeed:  FEAR=False Evidence Appearing Real I recently heard someone say “#no-fear-this-year!” For such a small word, fear can have a huge impact. Fear is that paralyzing emotion that prevents dreams from becoming reality, businesses from being launched, minds from being changed and it also prevents success. Success means …

Do You Feel It? by D Green Joseph

Do You Feel It? There is a sense of excitement in the air!  Have you noticed?  In spite of all the calamity in the world, there seems to be a rumbling of enthusiasm, hopefulness and “can do”.  Are you one of those people causing the trimmers?  Do you ooze with …

What are your 2016 expectations?

What are your 2016 expectations? by D Green Joseph With the end of 2015 fastly approaching, the rear view mirror image of the year brings about retro-spection. It’s ok to view the past with a fine tooth comb, but make sure the view doesn’t cloud future possibilities.  Expectations should be …

RRR Snippet: Random Thoughts

 Random Thoughts How often have you been reminded of something that wasn’t even on your radar?  Maybe you had an epiphany or recalled wise words from an elder or friend.   Perhaps a poem or something a single word triggered a whole other thought pattern. That’s where  RRR Snippets come in. …

Room for improvement

There’s Always Room for Improvement This posted was originally posted on 12/23/2014. I can still hear my mother saying ” There’s always room for improvement!” As a child that was the last thing I wanted to hear especially when I thought I had done a good job at either my …

Please leave a message

Please Leave a Message

Abandon the Era of 24/7 I was having a conversation with someone on recently and he said that he felt guilty when he didn’t answer the phone when someone calls.  The solution to his problem, according to him, is to put the phone on silent so that he does not hear …

RRR Snippet: Just Keep it Moving

Just Keep It Moving Every now and then you may hit a bump in the road and trailing each bump are the same options as well as some new ones. Option number one is to let the bump control the situation with a likelihood of losing control. Option number two …


RRR Snippet: Change Your Mind Enhance Your Life

Change Your Mind  Enhance Your Life Are you a dream seeker?  Do you pursue whatever dream that pops into your head that you believe will enhance your life and the lives of those within your sphere? Does it seem as if even you don’t know what you want to do …

Defining Moments

Acknowledge Your Defining Moments “This post was originally published on Smart Healthy Women on March 17, 2015.” Defining moments refer to that very instant that you realize your life will change forever.   They are the epiphanies that shine a light on a specific purpose. You spend your entire life doing the …

Comfort Zone

The Comfort Zone

The Ever Present Comfort Zone In the comments section of a blog post that I read the other day, someone mentioned that they had stepped out of their comfort zone.  Immediately a blog post started circulating in my head and this is the result. The term “comfort zone” is a situation …

Visionary 40 Strong

I Am Woman Network Visionary 40 The power and energy of the I Am Woman Network Grand Launch was amazing and so is the power and energy of the V40.  Imagine a group of 40 committed, passionate and determined women who trust God enough to follow the vision he has …