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Self Improvement

The Value and Balance of Being Vulnerable

A Great Lesson About Being Vulnerable I was having a conversation with someone the other day and the topic lingered on my mind well into the day.  Vulnerability was not the specific topic of discussion but that was the gist of it.  Later in the afternoon I started a discussion …

Book Reviewers Needed

Book Reviewers Needed for Upcoming Book Renew Refresh Reset Your Life is looking for a limited number of book reviewers to review an upcoming book of original quotes, affirmations, and insights.  Your feedback matters and the added bonus is that you’ll get to check out the book before the rest …

Status Quo

Release the Status Quo

Status Quo is defined by Webster’s as – The existing state of affairs. Example: He/she is content with the status quo and does not like change.  Think about that for a minute…”existing state of affairs and does not like change.” To be perfectly honest, most of us don’t like change, but …

Order Signed Copy of I Am Woman Book

The Truth Shall Set Us Free:  The I Am Woman Book ORDER YOUR SIGNED COPY HERE “I Am Woman: 21 Triumphant Women Sharing Their Journey to Embracing Truth and Their Authentic Self” is a collaboration of 21 courageous women who share their true life stories from pain, brokenness, betrayal, abuse …

Janet Tatum: Making Strides to Exit Out of Her Comfort Zones

Janet Tatum Talks the Walk Out of Her Comfort Zones Watch the replay of Renew Refresh Reset Your Life TV on as I interview Janet Tatum as she talks about the challenges and triumphs that she faces in an effort to exit out of her comfort zones.

Comfort Zones Are Anything But Comfortable

Comfort Zones: Anything But Comfortable Periscope 1/13/2015 Let me start with an introduction, my name is Charita Cadenhead, Founder of Renew Refresh Reset Your Life.  I am a Certified Life Coach, a best-selling author, and speaker.  I am YOUR Exit Strategist helping you to exit out of your comfort zone …

I Am Woman: Be the First to Buy the BooK:

Help Us Celebrate the Women in Your Lives On Friday, December 11, 2015, I Am Woman Network hosted a prelaunch party for the soon to be released I Am Woman book.  The pre-launch was magnificent. During trhe event, each of the authors got up to announce their names, the titles of …


My First Periscope Glitches and All

My First Periscope Broadcast Well I did it.  On Monday December 7, 2015, I did my first Periscope broadcast.  Yes there were a few glitches but I buckled down and rolled with them.  I learning not to have shame in my game and to accept that “stuff” happens. During the …

Starting Fresh

Starting Fresh in the Moment

Starting Fresh in the Moment Starting fresh, starting over and starting from where you are all indicators that you’ve reached somewhat of a stalemate in your life.  You decide that it’s time for a fresh start and in that thought process you decide that the fresh start will “start” soon. …


RRR Snippet: Change Your Mind Enhance Your Life

Change Your Mind  Enhance Your Life Are you a dream seeker?  Do you pursue whatever dream that pops into your head that you believe will enhance your life and the lives of those within your sphere? Does it seem as if even you don’t know what you want to do …

Defining Moments

Acknowledge Your Defining Moments “This post was originally published on Smart Healthy Women on March 17, 2015.” Defining moments refer to that very instant that you realize your life will change forever.   They are the epiphanies that shine a light on a specific purpose. You spend your entire life doing the …

Comfort Zone

The Comfort Zone

The Ever Present Comfort Zone In the comments section of a blog post that I read the other day, someone mentioned that they had stepped out of their comfort zone.  Immediately a blog post started circulating in my head and this is the result. The term “comfort zone” is a situation …


Cash or Character?

Getting Our Priorities Straight A few weeks ago, I was browsing the archives of Our Daily Bread, and I happened to run across the following under the tag humility: “If you’d rather have cash than character, if your credit cards are maximized and your righteousness is minimized, if you’ve become …

Why I Am Not Done

Why I Am Not Done by Guest Writer Sreelatha Meleth Most people, who look at my life from the outside, would consider it pretty perfect, and they would not be very wrong. In my marriage of 35 years, I am still learning and growing in the relationship. We have a good income, two …

Happy New Year, Whew

Happy New Year: In With the New By Guest Writer DJ Ok, so we are in the 3rd week of 2015!  Most people are still greeting those whom they have not seen since last year with a “Happy New Year” greeting. I can’t tell you how many people I have …