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Life Lessons

Them That’s Got Shall Get
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The Last Word

This One Life We Live
This Life We Live We get this one life to live but for many of us we get far more chances than we deserve in our attempts to get it right. Promises that we’ll do better go unfulfilled. We put off things until tomorrow (or never) what we can reasonably …

Where Oh Where Do We Go From Here?

About the Book with Author Joshua Jones
Author Joshua Jones Some of us realize our purpose early in life, some late in life and some by accident. For Joshua, that realization came as a result of a near death experience. During my interview with Joshua, he talked about his book “I Didn’t Deserve This” and how he took a …

Becoming Who You’re Going to Be
Are You Who You’re Going to Be? On Tuesday, I purchased Michelle Obama’s bestselling book, Becoming. I have not started reading it yet, but as often happens, my mind sets adrift simply based on the title of a book. So this morning I happened to glance over at the book …

Win: A Win is a Win!
A Win is a WIN! Well, the midterm elections are over! And win, lose or draw, I know some voters are ecstatic while others are experiencing disappointment. Isn’t that always the case in any election? I was talking with a co-worker earlier, and we both decided that we all too often, …

No Lack
No Lack If you took a survey, of all you have and weighed it against what you don’t have – what would be the result? The haves should only consist of life’s necessities: a place to live, a running car, reasonable health, a job, enough money to sustain you (bills …

In and Out of Prayer
Learning How to Pray I Pray. I don’t pray as often as I’d like, but I do pray. A while back at church, I was in a small group called “War Room” and we were studying from “The Battle Plan for Prayer: From Basic Training to Targeted Strategies.” The authors, Stephen …

Journey of Self Discovery
Life’s Journey Recently a friend stopped by to visit and seek advice about an issue in her current life. Once she began to talk – it turn out to be a session of discovery and confirmation. My friend had embarked on a “journey.” This journey was one of re-self-awareness, self-love …

Has God Ever Rung Your Doorbell?
Has God Ever Rung Your Doorbell? At 3:41 a.m. Monday, February 19, 2018, I distinctly heard my doorbell ring. It was clear and just loud enough to arouse me from my sleep. However, then I realized it wasn’t my physical doorbell – since I recently had it changed along with …

When One Door Closes
When One Door Closes Another One Opens You’ve heard that expression right? Do you believe it? Sometimes it’s hard to swallow, but I believe it’s true. Closing or closed doors may seem like the end of the world. But do you really believe that you’ll live to see the end …

Reflecting On Words That Have the Power to Transform
The Power of Transformative Words Reflecting on Transformative Words Words have the tremendous power to influence how we communicate, how we view ourselves, how we view the world, and how we move forward in life. We may use the same words every day, but we often lose sight of their …

Hope Floats
Does Your Hope Float? During my quiet time this morning, the phrase “hope floats” came to mind and I continued to sit and began thinking about this phrase. Off the top of my head, the thought of coming and going came to mind, almost like weaving in and out of consciousness. …