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January 2014

All Fired Up: That’s What Joy Will Do

Joy That Sets the World Ablaze Have you ever had those days where you feel you can conquer the world and are filled with unspeakable joy.  You know that feeling of having a fire lit under your feet, bursting energy, an unbridled zest for life,  and every which way you turn, is …

RRR Random Acts of Kindness Day

Renew Refresh Reset & Make Someone’s Day Today Thus far Renew Refresh Reset Your Life has focused on self improvement.  However, I am going to ask you to join me in a commitment that I made this year that focuses on others.  At least once a week, it is my goal to …

Bury Those Old Wounds So Healing Can Begin

Let the Healing Begin I have certainly carried around wounds from my past.  I have even carried wounds from my childhood well into adulthood.   Many of you reading this post may still be nursing open wounds.   Fortunately for me, there came a time when I just refused to keep breathing …

Eliminate The Negative With a Positive Attitude

Accentuate the Positive One proven way to eliminate negativity from your life is to remain positive.  I have put this to the test myself and I know that this is true in my life.  If you surround yourself with negative people, they will eventually pull you down in mind and spirit.   Removing these people …

Turn Your Job Into a Career

Set Your Goal Beyond Getting a Job When you got your current job, was that all you wanted?  Was getting that job the “end” goal?  Did you plan for the “buck” to stop there?  For many of you, I sincerely hope that the answer to all three questions is “no.” The problem with …

Reflecting On Your Own Reflection

Whom Do You See When You Look in the Mirror? Let’s face it, change is inevitable as we grow older (in both good and bad ways).  But do you ever look into the mirror and see a reflection of someone that you barely recognize?  Do you wonder what happened to you?  …


Daydreaming and I’m Thinking of… Daydreaming and I’m thinking of you.  Daydreaming and I’m thinking of you. Look at my love. Floating a way.  Sound familiar?  If you quessed it was one of Aretha Franklin’s hottest tunes, you guessed right. I woke up in the middle of the night with …

Get Out of Your Way

Talking Yourself Into What You’ve Talked Yourself Out Of I know that some of you must be saying to yourself, what the heck does that mean:  Get Out of Your Way or Talking Yourself Into What You’ve Talked Yourself Out Of.  Then there are others that have light bulbs going off …

The Obstacle Course a.k.a. Life

Life is Full of Obstacles and Distractions What’s life without a few obstacles and distractions to challenge us? The answer probably lies within the pages of a fairy tale.  Our entire lives may be described as one big obstacle course and other such distractions. And while that may be true, we shouldn’t …

Talk the Talk Without Walking the Walk

Do You Talk the Talk and Not Walk the Walk? How many times have you heard yourself say that you want to do something and then that was just the end of it.  A mere statement that rolled off of your lips and then vanished in the same swift fashion …

Happy New Year: Commit to a Better You

What good is a New Year’s Resolution if you don’t commit to see it through? Twenty-thirteen has come and gone and as with each new year, we find ourselves making New Year’s resolutions.  Here we go again with roller coaster resolutions.   We start out with the best intentions, but if …