In and Out of Prayer

Learning How to Pray I Pray.  I don’t pray as often as I’d like, but I do pray.  A while back at church, I was in a small group called “War Room” and we were studying from “The Battle Plan for Prayer:  From Basic Training to Targeted Strategies.” The authors, Stephen …

Journey of Self Discovery

Life’s Journey                 Recently a friend stopped by to visit and seek advice about an issue in her current life.  Once she began to talk – it turn out to be a session of discovery and confirmation. My friend had embarked on a “journey.”  This journey was one of re-self-awareness, self-love …

Cassandra Woods

About the Book: Rise Up with Cassandra Woods

Rise Up:  Keys to Overcoming Author Cassandra Woods gives us the tools we need to Rise Up. She provides us with simple “Keys to Overcoming” life’s’ challenges. Afterall, who among us has not had to overcome something in our lifetime?  If I’m honest, which I hope that I am, I’ll …

I Just Can’t Let This Site Go

Why I Hang On To It Because Renew Refresh Reset Your Life is such a great concept, it never gets old.  It will never be an outdated idea.  Because a great many of us can reset our lives at will.  These are just a few reasons why I keep it …

1-800-273-TALK (8255)

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline This week alone the world was shocked by the suicide of Kate Spade, a fashion icon that one would think had the world at her fingertips and a life so wonderful no one would fathom that she wouldn’t want to exist in it.  She was apparently …

Has God Ever Rung Your Doorbell?

Has God Ever Rung Your Doorbell? At 3:41 a.m. Monday, February 19, 2018, I distinctly heard my doorbell ring.  It was clear and just loud enough to arouse me from my sleep.  However, then I realized it wasn’t my physical doorbell – since I recently had it changed along with …

Metro Birmingham Children's Busiiness Fair

Let the Kids Tell You About the Fair

Metro Birmingham Children’s Business Fair The Metro Birmingham Children’s Business Fair will be held on April 21, 2018. Truthfully, we couldn’t be more excited.  Every time I open my mouth to tell someone about the fair, I get chills. That’s just how awesome this event will be.  But what really …

Happy Birthday Minister Comedian Author Donna T Brown

Happy Birthday, Donna T. Brown This is a direct birthday message to Donna T. Brown from your 1 Word Book Co-authors.  Be sure to scroll down to view the videos from some of your co-authors. This is a direct birthday message to Donna T. Brown. It’s ya birthday. It’s ya birthday …

Do You Know What Time Is It?

What Time Is It? Don’t look at the clock.  I’m not talking about that kind of time.  I’m talking about it’s the same time as always:  time to get it together.  And before you even go there, know that I know that I’m at the top of the “don’t talk …


Metro Birmingham Children’s Business Fair Read more about the Metro Birmingham Children’s Business Fair and don’t’ miss this opportunity to apply for your to child participate today.

When One Door Closes

When One Door Closes Another One Opens You’ve heard that expression right?  Do you believe it?  Sometimes it’s hard to swallow, but I believe it’s true.  Closing or closed doors may seem like the end of the world.  But do you really believe that you’ll live to see the end …

Failure Is An Option

Yes Failure Is An Option Contrary to all the hype about failure not being an option, I’m here to tell you that failure, is absolutely an option.  This is not encouragement to accept failure or accept that you are a failure.  No way, no how is that the implication here. …

Reset Your Life: The Job Search Edition

Reset Your Life: The Job Search Edition by Guest Contributor Sydney Frazer What better way to reset your life than with a new job? It is easy to be unhappy at your current job, but to still put off looking for a new position because let’s be honest, it can …

Earn Money From Your Photoshop Skills Part I

How to Start Earning Money from Your Photoshop Skills Many people invest thousands of hours in acquiring new skills. For many people, the first choice is Photoshop. However, the main problem is that people are unaware how to utilize this incredible imagery tool to earn some side income, and later …

How to Take up Photography as a Profession

How to Take up Photography as a Profession by Guest Blogger Isabella Foreman Photography is a lovely hobby that millions of people around the world enjoy. However, there are those who somehow learn to climb the ladder and turn it into a full-time profession. If you are looking to turn …