Here We Go Again
Well, here’s and cheers to you in your quest to conquer the beast of short-lived resolutions. I’m pulling for you.
Well, here’s and cheers to you in your quest to conquer the beast of short-lived resolutions. I’m pulling for you.
Even When You Think You Aren’t, You Are A few years ago, I made the statement on Facebook that “I Am an Empowered Woman. Are You?” and a FB friend responded “no” and she asked the question “how does that work?” I thought the question and the answer were worth revisiting. …
Life’s Journey Recently a friend stopped by to visit and seek advice about an issue in her current life. Once she began to talk – it turn out to be a session of discovery and confirmation. My friend had embarked on a “journey.” This journey was one of re-self-awareness, self-love …
Congrats to New Blogger Aimee Lanier Camper My how time flies. About 3 years ago I met Aimee Lanier. She was a Neighborhood Association President and so was I for our respective neighborhoods in the same city. She and I really connected well on several levels (besides our community activism). …
Confessions of the Tweet-less Yeah, I admit it. I don’t get Twitter so I’m on a quest to increase my Twitter presence and knowledge base about all things Twitterville. I understand the part about the 140 character limitation, but what I don’t understand is how to use those limitations to build relationships …
Happy New Year: In With the New By Guest Writer DJ Ok, so we are in the 3rd week of 2015! Most people are still greeting those whom they have not seen since last year with a “Happy New Year” greeting. I can’t tell you how many people I have …
My How Time Flies Time just seems to escape us on occasion. It’s been over a month since I’ve written a blog post and the title of it was “It’s Always Something.” I find that ironic since the tune of this post, and that one are in sync. There is …
Roseanne Rosannadanna In the days when I used to watch Saturday Night Live, Gilda Radner’s character would always crack me up. I always looked forward to her sketches. Many of you will remember her famous line “it’s always something.” No matter how many times I heard her utter those words, it …
Is It Time For A Change? by Guest Writer Dr. Veronica Harrington Many of us run for cover whenever the thought of change enters our mind. We are accustomed to the familiar and routine way of doing things instead of stepping outside of the box and exploring the possibilities that …
Creating Financial Flow by Guest Writer Jacqueline Whitehead As long as you’re living, life is going to happen. People often use the phrase, “Go with the flow” and this gives them the validation to live their life haphazardly. No great athlete has used this as their mantra; they have all …
Doubt is the Enemy No doubt you were born the person that you were meant to be. However, en route to adulthood, there are many things that influence the person you’ll become. If you’re fortunate, and I hope that you are, you were raised by loving and caring parents that …
You Get to Chose: Limit or Empower I know this seems cliché’ and I apologize for that (simply because I detest clichés), but I digress. When you really sit and think about this for a time, you will soon come to realize the truth in this statement: You are limited …
Take Baby-steps to Achieve the Big Goal When you’re reaching for your goal, sometimes getting there may seem a bit overwhelming. In large part, that may be because you are trying to take on too much at one time. To get to the big picture, you have to start looking …
Great Time With Great Hosts & Guess I was proud to be guest speaker a the Reset Your Life Through Financial Freedom seminar. Cornelius and Timekia Brayboy were delightful and an inspiration to work with. The audience was very much engaged and I certainly appreciated their warm welcome and participation. …