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D. Green Joseph

The Evolution of Resolutions

Win: A Win is a Win!
A Win is a WIN! Well, the midterm elections are over! And win, lose or draw, I know some voters are ecstatic while others are experiencing disappointment. Isn’t that always the case in any election? I was talking with a co-worker earlier, and we both decided that we all too often, …

No Lack
No Lack If you took a survey, of all you have and weighed it against what you don’t have – what would be the result? The haves should only consist of life’s necessities: a place to live, a running car, reasonable health, a job, enough money to sustain you (bills …

The Kitchen Table
The Center of it All “Hey Darling, come in and sit down at the kitchen table and have something to eat.” This was a familiar invitation for me. From the time I was a teenager and old enough to have those “women talks” – the kitchen table was the place …

Journey of Self Discovery
Life’s Journey Recently a friend stopped by to visit and seek advice about an issue in her current life. Once she began to talk – it turn out to be a session of discovery and confirmation. My friend had embarked on a “journey.” This journey was one of re-self-awareness, self-love …

Has God Ever Rung Your Doorbell?
Has God Ever Rung Your Doorbell? At 3:41 a.m. Monday, February 19, 2018, I distinctly heard my doorbell ring. It was clear and just loud enough to arouse me from my sleep. However, then I realized it wasn’t my physical doorbell – since I recently had it changed along with …

Christmas: Calm & Calamity
Calm & Calamity Christmas the season of comfort and joy for most, is also a time of chaos, confusion and even depression for others. In speaking with a young lady recently, she expressed her anxiety over Christmas and I discovered that her dilemma is more common than one would think. …

Release the Status Quo
Status Quo is defined by Webster’s as – The existing state of affairs. Example: He/she is content with the status quo and does not like change. Think about that for a minute…”existing state of affairs and does not like change.” To be perfectly honest, most of us don’t like change, but …

Afraid to Succeed by D Green Joseph
Afraid To Succeed: FEAR=False Evidence Appearing Real I recently heard someone say “#no-fear-this-year!” For such a small word, fear can have a huge impact. Fear is that paralyzing emotion that prevents dreams from becoming reality, businesses from being launched, minds from being changed and it also prevents success. Success means …

Do You Feel It? by D Green Joseph
Do You Feel It? There is a sense of excitement in the air! Have you noticed? In spite of all the calamity in the world, there seems to be a rumbling of enthusiasm, hopefulness and “can do”. Are you one of those people causing the trimmers? Do you ooze with …

What are your 2016 expectations?
What are your 2016 expectations? by D Green Joseph With the end of 2015 fastly approaching, the rear view mirror image of the year brings about retro-spection. It’s ok to view the past with a fine tooth comb, but make sure the view doesn’t cloud future possibilities. Expectations should be …

Reflections of a Life Reset: Sweet Silence
Sweet Silence by Guest Contributor D.G. Joseph I encourage everyone to find the time for silence. Getting in touch with inner peace and inner self is a way to renew, refresh and reset, which in itself is sweet. With all that surrounds us through technology, obligations and overwhelming responsibilities, it’s …