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Life Lessons

Rewriting Your Autobiography

Your Autobiography:  Still More Story to Tell I’ve heard it said that there is a book in all of us.  Each of us has our own (life) story to tell.  I don’t know about anybody else, but I could certainly write an autobiography about my life and I promise it would not be …

Don’t Die Without First Having Lived

So Whatcha Doin’ Now? I’ve done a lot of things in my lifetime particularly when it came to supporting my family of 2.  By choice I have owned a hair salon, a desktop publishing business, started an investment group for women, attempted to start a hair style magazine (derailed by photographer’s poor …

Frustration While Doing Your Best

Don’t Let Frustration Stop You I really do not like using the words most, everybody and all, but in this case, I would venture to say that everybody experiences frustration sometimes.  Frustration may set in when you’ve tried over and over again to accomplish something and no matter how many …

In Constant Pursuit of Peace

The Greatest Source of Peace I find the greatest source of peace when I pray, meditate and talk to God.  Many times I forget to pray before I go to bed, but I am often up in the middle of the night.  When that happens, I spend quality time with …

All Fired Up: That’s What Joy Will Do

Joy That Sets the World Ablaze Have you ever had those days where you feel you can conquer the world and are filled with unspeakable joy.  You know that feeling of having a fire lit under your feet, bursting energy, an unbridled zest for life,  and every which way you turn, is …

RRR Random Acts of Kindness Day

Renew Refresh Reset & Make Someone’s Day Today Thus far Renew Refresh Reset Your Life has focused on self improvement.  However, I am going to ask you to join me in a commitment that I made this year that focuses on others.  At least once a week, it is my goal to …

Bury Those Old Wounds So Healing Can Begin

Let the Healing Begin I have certainly carried around wounds from my past.  I have even carried wounds from my childhood well into adulthood.   Many of you reading this post may still be nursing open wounds.   Fortunately for me, there came a time when I just refused to keep breathing …


Another Day Another Opportunity

“Every day presents an opportunity to hit the reset button on your life.  As a matter of fact, every minute presents the same opportunity. Resolve now to renew, refresh and reset the aspects of your life that will contribute to the “best” you possible.”  —- Renew Refresh Reset It’s very …