Why I Am Not Done

Why I Am Not Done

by Guest Writer Sreelatha Meleth

I'm Not Done Yet

I’m Not Done Yet

Most people, who look at my life from the outside, would consider it pretty perfect, and they would not be very wrong. In my marriage of 35 years, I am still learning and growing in the relationship. We have a good income, two healthy, happy and successful children who are both pursuing their dreams. I have several academic degrees, a good job and a supportive workplace.

However, in spite of all of this, I continue to feel a deep sense of dissatisfaction. There is a yearning in my soul, a sense of not having arrived at my destination.  A little voice inside will not stop telling me that there is more for me to do.

Early in 2014, after praying and asking for guidance to resolve this restlessness, I decided to spend some time focusing on achieving two life-long dreams:  Becoming a published author and preparing to perform an Indian classical music concert on my 60th birthday.  Yes! I decided to Renew Refresh and Reset my life!

I completed the coursework for a Certificate in Creative Non-Fiction a month ago and am beginning to work on my Capstone project. I am so excited about this. The plan is to write a memoir that weaves in stories of Indian mythology and their influence on my response to life.  The dreams have gotten bigger as I embark on this adventure.   Wouldn’t it be nice if I could turn this into a musical?  Perhaps my daughter would play me.  It could become a perfect vehicle for an Indo-Western musical piece.  I could become a producer of fusion shows…yes!!!  The dreaming is endless.

So to those who ask “Why are you not done?  Why are you pushing yourself to do more?”  My answer is simply “For the joy of it”.

If there is a legacy I want to leave my children and grandchildren, it is the memory of a spirit that was always seeking to be more. They shall remember me as one who refused to use societal norms and expectations  as excuses for not pushing a dream or desire which I knew would bring joy.  It is for me the ultimate expression of gratitude for the incredible gift of this life.

photo credit: ting0308 via photopin cc

Sree Meleth


small_Sreelatha_Meleth1Sree is a Senior Research Statistician and works for an international non-profit organization..

She has an eclectic education: a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Physics, a Masters in English Literature, a second Masters in Community Health and Epidemiology, a third Masters in Applied Statistics and a doctoral degree in Applied Statistics.  In addition, she is a certified adult educator and teacher of English as a Second language.

She has have lived in the Middle East,  Great Britain, Canada and is now a naturalized citizen of the United States.  She has over 65 scientific publications.  She has also published several short stories and some non-fiction pieces in the Immigrant Women’s Journal in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and written short pieces that were used as teacher’s aids for multi-cultural education by the education department in Saskatoon.

She hopes to start her own blog entitled “In my Meditation Today” sometime soon and publish a memoir in the next couple of years.She also hope to publish some of her children’s stories.