Eliminate The Negative With a Positive Attitude
Accentuate the Positive
One proven way to eliminate negativity from your life is to remain positive. I have put this to the test myself and I know that this is true in my life. If you surround yourself with negative people, they will eventually pull you down in mind and spirit. Removing these people from your life can be as simple as always being positive while in their presence. They will either stop being so negative or they will soon flee from you. Negative people do not like being around positive people. If they do don’t flee, then you should.
If you happen to be a negative person, begin focusing on the positive. By doing so, you will draw positive people into your circle and drive the negative people out. You may think it is going to be a slow process, but within a very short period of time you will begin to recognize the swiftness of this transition. Once you do recognize what is taking place, take advantage to form and/or develop better or more meaningful relationships with the newcomers in your “positivity circle.” Begin to network and find out where the common ground is between you and your positivity circle.
Put It to the Test
Continuing this path will become second nature. Before you know it, life will have taken you to new heights all because of a positive attitude. So go ahead. Put it to the test. Start with your Facebook page. It’s just perfect for this kind of test. Begin posting only positive comments for a few days and watch what happens. Oh and don’t forget to let me know the results.
From this point forward, plan to carry only the positive energy with you as you Renew Refresh and Reset Your Life.
“Every day presents opportunity to hit The reset button on your life.” Charita Cadenhead