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Taking Ownership of Other’s Anger

Anger:  A Living, Breathing Thing Have you ever been angry for so long that the anger intensifies into what seems like a living, breathing thing?  The anger seems to take on a life of its own right along side of you.  Even more disturbing is that it takes on a …

Freedom Through Forgiveness

Forgiveness: The True Price of Freedom by Guest Writer:  Dr. Veronica Harrington I grew up in a single parent household just like many other children.  My father’s absence in my life as a young girl affected my ability as a woman to trust and allow someone the ability to love, …

Dying to Be Free

A Quest to Bee Free This poem was sent to me by Ikki A. Lou (pen name) and with permission, she has allowed me to publish it here.  If ever there was a cry for a life reset, this is it. This 8-4:30, this 9-5 is really beginning to kill my vibe …