Strengths: Seek Help to Identify Them

So You Can’t Figure Out Your Areas of Strengths


This issue is more common than people may realize and yet many people stay stuck for one reason or another.  Some of the reasons may be because they:

  • feel like they have an image to protect
  • don’t want anyone to know that they are not as together as outward appearances would lead them to believe
  • don’t know where to seek guidance
  • embarrassed that they can’t pinpoint their strengths
  • are confused and have spent years seeking and searching for something but they can’t figure out what.

Some people may even feel that they do no have any strengths.  I can certainly empathize with those feelings.  After all, I’ve been there myself (many times). But here’s the deal, you never have to face these challenges alone.  You can get around the mental obstacles that are preventing you from reaching your full potential.

Consider a Life Coach

Many people don’t seem to understand what a life coach does.  In short, we help you through all of those obstacles listed above.  As a life coach, I can help you figure out where your strengths lie and what areas they can best be used.  I have been in situations where I have spun my wheels for years rather than seeking out sources to gain focus on how I can best spend my life, use my strength, all while giving back where needed. Life coaches simply talk with you and more importantly listen to you.  We tune in to what you are saying and help you separate the truth from your perception of the truth.  We help you break down the big picture into manageable scenes that you can build from the bottom up instead of being overwhelmed from the top down.  That alone can be life changing.

We help you narrow your focus to specific, achievable goals that you determine will work best for you.  After all, this is YOUR life we’re talking about.

Identifying Your Strenghts

Identifying Your Strengths

If you are in a situation where you have no idea where your life is headed or are in constant state of dormancy, you can contact me and perhaps we can set up a 30 minute sample session.  This way, you can see exactly how a life coach may be just what you need.

DISCLAIMER:  Charita Cadenhead is a Life Coach in Birmingham, AL.  She is not a consultant or medical professional.

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“Every day presents another opportunity for you to hit the reset button on your life.”  Charita Cadenhead, Life Coach