Well I did it. On Monday December 7, 2015, I did my first Periscope broadcast. Yes there were a few glitches but I buckled down and rolled with them. I learning not to have shame in my game and to accept that “stuff” happens.
During the broadcast I introduced The Exit Strategist which happens to be me and I am triple excited about that. As an Exist Strategist, I help people exit out of their comfort zones so that they can enter into their purpose, passion, desires and goals. Isn’t that an awesome prospect.
Anyway check out my video and see for yourself. On Monday’s Scope (December 14, 2015), I will be talking about “How comfort zones can contribute to immobility). In addition to that I have some more really exciting news about the women I will be featuring on Renew Refresh Reset Your Life at the beginning of next year.
Dont’ forget to download the Periscope app on your iOS or Android device. Look for me on Periscope a@chcadenhead.