Who We Serve
Who We Serve
Renew Refresh Reset Your Life began as a motivational blog designed to provide encouragement to women. The blog was born out of the premise that “Every day presents another opportunity to hit the reset button on your life.” After careful consideration and a need fill voids in people’s lives, Renew Refresh Reset Your Life evolved into a life coaching business with very specific purposes and primary audiences. RRR’s target clients include those struggling with comfort zones and overcoming fears, introverts, middle and high school students, college students and recent graduates, employers & employees and adults in transition (career change, job loss, divorce, and more). The final addition of coaching introverts now dominates focus of Renew Refresh Reset Your Life. Renew Refresh Reset’s goal is to motivate, inspire, encourage and inform about such subjects as coping with and coping through issues that affect us all at some point in our lives. While the topics are not really specific to women, our target audience is women readers.
Here you will find a list of who we serve and a brief description of how we serve.
Middle & High School students: With a combination of mentoring and coaching young people, this audience was a must for RRR. The goal being to instill in them that at any time that they discover themselves in a situation that they do not want to be in, all they have to do is make a choice. Originally the primary focus was going to be on kids who were sliding down on the academic scale, but after careful consideration, the scope became more inclusive to encompass all students. After all, even kids need to know how to make decisions. Young people may not devote much time to thinking about their future, but the reality is that they would be well served if they did. We want to send the message that their future begins with the decisions that they make now.
College Students: With so many college students graduating and ending up in “jobs” rather than “careers,” RRR wanted to focus on coaching and motivating these young adults to avoid complacency in a “job.” Instead, we want them to keep searching and seeking careers in their major via traditional and non-traditional methods, Even graduates in low-paying “jobs” sometimes overlook the larger picture of what their employers have to offer. For example, if a college grad has taken a “job” as a cashier at Target, what is preventing them from setting their sights higher within that corporation? Let us not exclude the real possibility of “creating” career paths. Entrepreneurship is an option whether as a 1st choice or alternate career path.
Customer Service & Employee Performance: Inspired by consistently poor service of a local merchant, this target audience is prime for changing corporate cultures. The goal here is to coach employees to peak performance so that their performance is in line with their organization’s mission. As a result, the under- performing employees, through coaching, ideally will take more pride in their performance and realize the potential of their future growth within that company. In addition, employers may see potential in an employee and may feel that some career coaching for that employee may be the catalyst to elevate them to their full potential.
Adults in Transition: Because of my own experience as a transitional adult, I felt this audience was also significant. Sudden life changes or the realization that you are not where you thought you would be at this stage in your life, is often the catalyst to begin exploring resources and seeking information on how to transition from one stage to something that is totally new. In essence, many times people lose sight of the vision and at some point, they are ready to reclaim the dream and pursue it with vigor. The problem is that, they cannot put the pieces together, and that is where RRR comes in. Life coaching can be the key to get one’s thoughts in order so that the dream can become a reality.
Introverts: Finally, we expanded serve introverts beginning at the elementary school level. The involvement of teachers, administrators and parents are essential. The goal being to focus on identifying introverts and take a look at their educational styles of learning and the messages repeatedly been sent to introverts to be “more like” someone else. We want to coach introverts so that they can live life on their own terms and not have to feel as if they have to pretend to be extroverts in order to excel. The basic premise is that what often works for extroverts does not work for introverts. Ultimately the introvert client will feel quite comfortable accomplishing goals in their introverted way in an extroverted world.
The Founder & Life Coach
Charita H. Cadenhead, Exit Strategist and Founder of Renew Refresh Reset Your Life specializes in helping people to exit out of their comfort zones and enter into their purpose, passions, desires and goals. As a Certified Life Coach, she accomplishes this through individual and group coaching as well as speaking to a vast array of groups which may include speaking at seminars, workshops, trainings, conferences.
As for the Renew Refresh Reset blog, in addition to readers, our guest writers passionately convey messages to our audience that are well in line with the goal and mission of Renew Refresh Reset.
On the RRR blog, you won’t find articles that bring you down unless it has a triumphant ending. On the contrary, if a post does not lift one up or inspire, it never makes it as a published piece on the blog. Guaranteed!!!!
By taking advantage of this principle that Every Day Presents Another Opportunity to Hit the Reset Button on Your Life, all of us can make waves to living our best possible lives.
No Limits on Life Reset: In the end there are no boundaries on who may be in need of a “life reset.” Renew Refresh Reset is interested in anyone who:
- Feels the need to hit the reset button\
- Struggles with exiting out of their comforts in order to enter to their purpose, passions, desires and goals so that they can embrace life
- Struggles with overcoming fears
- Has a testimony of how, when and why they hit or feel the need to hit the reset button
- Wants to offer suggestions and encouraging words aimed at a challenge to Renew Refresh Reset one’s life.
- Wants to submit a guest post aimed at any of the above audiences with words of encouragement to hit the reset button.
Every Day Presents Another Opportunity to Hit the Reset Button on Your Life,, Charita H. Cadenhead
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