A Work in Progress

We’re a Work in Progress

A Work in Progress

A Work in Progress

Much like the Renew Refresh Reset Your Life blog, people are a work In Progress.  It’s not always easy to come up with new content to post here and keep the creative juices flowing.  So is true with our own lives.

We may find ourselves in a state of malcontent from time to time and I believe that’s quite normal.  There may be things going on in our lives that may be causing an upheaval of sorts and yet we can’t put our finger on the root of it all

Consider this:  Works in progress often come to an  empasse, a crossroad so to speak, whereby another decision or choice has to be made.  The choice may be to decide that nothing is really amiss and that pressing forward is the only option.   In other words, just keep it moving.

Remember that a cloud in judgement can be attributed to forces working against the tremendous progress you’ve already made.  Don’t give in to it.  Joyce Meyers calls it “A Battle in Your Mind.”  Let’s be clear about this message.  The devil never sleeps.  He needs every waking moment to come up with clever ways to defeat God and lure you away.  But because you are God’s work in progress, the devil can only win if you lose sight of who you are in Christ.

Recognizing the Devil’s tricks and stopping him in his tracks is part of the progress. Decide that your life is a work in progress and keep it moving.  There is no end to progress unless you end it.  In Christ’s name.

“Every day presents another opportunity to hit the reset button on your life.”  Charita H. Cadenhead, Life Coach

photo credit: duncan via photopin cc

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