Win: A Win is a Win!

A Win is a WIN!

Win the raceWell, the midterm elections are over! And win, lose or draw, I know some voters are ecstatic while others are experiencing disappointment.  Isn’t that always the case in any election?

I was talking with a co-worker earlier, and we both decided that we all too often, focus on the BIG everything including voting outcomes and by doing so we miss the small, but ever so significant victories.

The great thing about democracy is that we all get a chance to participate and be pro-active, while exercising our rights.  Change is something that is bound to happen no matter who or what the circumstance.  Sometimes change is swift and other times it seems to move at a snail’s pace, but there is one thing for sure – change always comes.

Because we all tend to be a right-now, get-it-done today society, we lose patience when things don’t’ go the way we plan or hope.  I remember hearing my mother say to me on more than one occasion – “Be patient, anything worth having is worth waiting for.”

So if the local and state election outcomes weren’t exactly what you had hoped for, don’t give up, but look at the brighter side and realize that amid the defeats were some significant wins.

Here are a few Wins:

  • In spite of unfavorable weather in some states – voters turned out in record numbers.
  • There is more visible diversity headed to Congress and being represented locally.
  • Eleven incoming members of Congress are either active or retired military.
  • At least 95 women are heading to Congress.
  • First time voters & millennials (age 18-35) turned out in record numbers.
  • A record number of seniors (age 60 +) turned out to vote.

So, there are several reasons to think positively and be thankful.  Change is change and A win is still a Win!

photo credit: acase1968 National Champion via photopin (license)