Sometimes It Takes a Storm

The Storm:  Road to Gratitude, Attitude and Change

Storm of life

The Storm

After this week’s storms I know so many of us are just beyond grateful for having weathered them.  For so many of us, our gratitude is personified.  With a heavy heart, I feel for the families that lost loved ones during the tornadoes of last evening and my prayers go out to the family.  Our attitude combined with gratitude has served as a catalyst for us to dig up that “bucket list.”

Having made it through the storm safely, is cause to remind us of the importance of living our life with gratitude and and attitude to match.   All of those things that we would like to accomplish have suddenly been magnified and have escalated to a higher level on the totem pole.

Be mindful that the storms of life should not have to ignite or reignite of flame of gratitude.  We should be mindful 24/7 of how very fortunate we are and how blessed to be able to have as many choices as we do to exercise our freedoms.

“Every day presents another opportunity to hit the reset button on your life.”  Charita Cadenhead, Life Coach