Live the Dream

Martin Luther King Epitomized Dreaming

No other writings about dreams resonate more than Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech.  He dreamed back in a day where our dreams hardly seemed possible and yet many of us are living our dream today.

Dr. King dreamed that every human being would have the right to the pursuit of happiness.  Although the playing field of the day was not nearly as level as it is today, he dreamed a dream where the odds of it coming true were a 100 to none.  Yet, that did not stop him from dreaming.

Dr. King and his dream opened the doors of justice, equality and opportunity for us all.  He fought a bitter battle for a dream worthy of becoming realized.

I am no Dr. Martin Luther King by any stretch of the imagination, but like King, I believe our dreams can be realized.  I believe that Renew Refresh Reset Your Life is all about getting your dream back on track.

Hit the Reset Button on Your Dream

In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, let’s please not forget his dream or ours.  Listen to his “I Have a Dream” speech today at every opportunity.  If that doesn’t light a fire under you to live your dream then I don’t know what will.

In honor of Dr. King (and most importantly in honor of your rights and freedoms), vow to live your dream.  If for years they’ve been put on hold, recommit to Renew Refresh Reset Your Life.  Dream the dream until the dream becomes a reality.



“Every day presents an opportunity to hit The reset button on your life.”  Charita Cadenhead