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It’s Always Something: Doubt. Fear. Life Interuppted.

Roseanne Rosannadanna In the days when I used to watch Saturday Night Live, Gilda Radner’s character would always crack me up.  I always looked forward to her sketches. Many of you will remember her famous line “it’s always something.” No matter how many times I heard her utter those words, it …

Where Does Inspiration Come From?

What’s Your Source of Inspiration? The source of inspiration is not limited to feel good origins.  The funny thing about inspiration is that it can come from anyplace, good or bad.  Experiences or mental states can represent bad places and yet, they can inspire actions that are meant for good. …

Sharing Your Gift – As Is

Share Your Gift – As Is by Guest Writer Aimee Lanier This morning my Pastor discussed the importance of using our gifts to reach people, to lead others to Christ, and to prosper the church. This led me to think about how often we keep a gift to ourselves out …

The Source of My Strength

Recognizing the Source of My Strength One of my co-workers is always saying that I have so much energy.  I don’t always recognize that because I just do what I do without ever thinking about it. But then when she mentions it, I do kind of seem like the Eveready Energizer Bunny (that …

Renew Refresh Reset: It’s How I Live

Renew Refresh Reset Is Not Just a Blog After I had thanked the Lord for waking me up this morning, I reflected on how thankful I was for another day to Renew Refresh Reset my life. For those of you read or  follow Renew Refresh Reset, I hope you enjoy the …

Don’t Let The Sand Cover Your Head

by Guest Writer S.W. Cannon Before you can begin to redesign anything, you will need a focal point.  The change needs a focal point to be kept in mind as you go along to make the decisions needed to get to your desirable re-tuning of life.  When it comes to …

Dying to Be Free

A Quest to Bee Free This poem was sent to me by Ikki A. Lou (pen name) and with permission, she has allowed me to publish it here.  If ever there was a cry for a life reset, this is it. This 8-4:30, this 9-5 is really beginning to kill my vibe …

Introversion Introspection

Coming Out of the Introvert Closet

Embrace All That is You I can honestly say that I proudly embrace my introversion.  It took me 50 years to do that, but it finally set me free.  My introversion (personality type, not defect) IS my greatest Strength, even in a world that views it as a weakness.  My …


Is Your Doubt Holding You Back or Someone Else’s

Doubt is the Enemy No doubt you were born the person that you were meant to be. However, en route to adulthood, there are many things that influence the person you’ll become.   If you’re fortunate, and I hope that you are, you were raised by loving and caring parents that …

Showing Great Promise

You Have Great Promise

Showing Great Promise   It’s been said that “tomorrow isn’t promised to us” but that doesn’t keep us from planning as if it is.  The fact that we plan for tomorrow is an indication that we have hope for promise and so long as we’re planning, why not plan for great things to …

Build on your strengths

Building on Your Strengths

Identify, Acknowledge, Access Your Strengths Each person in an organization, company, or group has strengths that add value to that unit.  Those considered leaders of the unit as well as those that go unnoticed will be well served if they learn to identify, acknowledge and access their strengths to best serve the …

Life’s Little Disappointments

What to do When Faced With Life’s Disappointments? The answer may sound simpler than it really is but you just keep on living.  That’s the answer:  You just keep on living.  Anyone reading this post knows that life will disappoint you sometimes.  Disappointment is inevitable no matter how hard we …

Empower Yourself

Beliefs That Limit or Empower You

You Get to Chose:  Limit or Empower I know this seems cliché’ and I apologize for that (simply because I detest clichés), but I digress.  When you really sit and think about this for a time, you will soon come to realize the truth in this statement:  You are limited …

Keep Hope Alive

Hope Is Alive

Keep Hope Alive These words, Keep Hope Alive, were made popular by the Reverend Jessie Jackson, Jr.  Rev. Jackson’s presence and credibility may have diminished over the years, but thank goodness the phrase “Keep Hope Alive” has not. Every now and then, I run across someone that has apparently given …

I Believe In You

So What If I Don’t Know You? I know that I don’t know you, but I still believe in you.  I believe in people.  Where is this coming from you might ask?  I believe that it stems from a time when I did not believe in myself.  As gutsy as …