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May 2014

Consequences of Poor Decisions

Sharing Your Mental Space With Consequences I always say that the good thing about poor decisions is that you can always make a better decision to take its place.  I was engaged in a conversation the other day about some of the poor choices we made as teens and young adults.  Then …


Is Your Doubt Holding You Back or Someone Else’s

Doubt is the Enemy No doubt you were born the person that you were meant to be. However, en route to adulthood, there are many things that influence the person you’ll become.   If you’re fortunate, and I hope that you are, you were raised by loving and caring parents that …

Showing Great Promise

You Have Great Promise

Showing Great Promise   It’s been said that “tomorrow isn’t promised to us” but that doesn’t keep us from planning as if it is.  The fact that we plan for tomorrow is an indication that we have hope for promise and so long as we’re planning, why not plan for great things to …

Build on your strengths

Building on Your Strengths

Identify, Acknowledge, Access Your Strengths Each person in an organization, company, or group has strengths that add value to that unit.  Those considered leaders of the unit as well as those that go unnoticed will be well served if they learn to identify, acknowledge and access their strengths to best serve the …

Most Vocal, Visible and Valuable

Recognizing Valuable Teammates Let me clarify right away about the misconception that the title may be causing.  I am not saying that the most vocal and visible person equals the most valuable member of the team, company, or any group.  Contrarily, the quiet observer may be among any group’s most …