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January 2014

Living Your Life Doing You

Do What You Wanna Do The Dramatics sing a song titled “Do What You Wanna Do” and it goes on to say “be what you are.  There ain’t no right or wrong way….”  That is “so” the path and attitude that we may want to adopt in our own lives.  …

Building Strength Through Weaknesses

Building Strength Through Your Weaknesses I recently joined a new church and as part of that process, I have been attending New Members class.  We have to go to four New Members classes before we are placed in a permanent Sunday School a.k.a. Small Groups class and before we commit to …

Take Yourself on a Date

Who Says a Date Has to Involve More Than One Person? You ever have those days where you want to go out and do something fun but you can’t find anybody to go with you?  I know that feeling.  But guess what I do?  I go all by my lonesome …

Start Workout: Get Healthy and Fit

Work Baby, Work Out It’s still early in the year 2014 and many people started the year with that tried and true resolution of losing weight.  Already it’s the 24th day of your journey and a few of the pounds have come off.  Hooray for you.  However, if you’re worried …

Don’t Die Without First Having Lived

So Whatcha Doin’ Now? I’ve done a lot of things in my lifetime particularly when it came to supporting my family of 2.  By choice I have owned a hair salon, a desktop publishing business, started an investment group for women, attempted to start a hair style magazine (derailed by photographer’s poor …

Frustration While Doing Your Best

Don’t Let Frustration Stop You I really do not like using the words most, everybody and all, but in this case, I would venture to say that everybody experiences frustration sometimes.  Frustration may set in when you’ve tried over and over again to accomplish something and no matter how many …

In Constant Pursuit of Peace

The Greatest Source of Peace I find the greatest source of peace when I pray, meditate and talk to God.  Many times I forget to pray before I go to bed, but I am often up in the middle of the night.  When that happens, I spend quality time with …

Depression: The Big Lie

The Fine Line of Depression Depression is defined as a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest (Mayo Clinic).  There are many causes for depression as stated on the Mayo Clinic website, but to that list, I’d like to add my “opinion:”  Some forms of …

Live the Dream

Martin Luther King Epitomized Dreaming No other writings about dreams resonate more than Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech.  He dreamed back in a day where our dreams hardly seemed possible and yet many of us are living our dream today. Dr. King dreamed that every human being would …

Hurry Up and Slow Down

Much of What You Do Can Wait Everybody’s in a hurry these days.  Messages must be instant.  People don’t want to talk, instead they want to chat.  Handwritten letters have been replaced by the text message on the go.  Phone calls have been replaced with a quick status update on …

What Is Your Mission Statement?

Personal Mission Statement When we think of mission statements, we often think that only businesses have them, but not so. We all have a mission in life don’t you think?  Since in large part, we thought mission statements were only for businesses, many may not have considered their own mission …

Without Passion There is No Success

Without Passion There is No Success That’s what my pastor said on this past Sunday and it really resonated with me.  Personally I love it when passion takes over to the point where I can’t sleep for thinking about ways to bring that passion into reality.  Nearly every waking moment, …

Quit That Job That You Hate So Much

Hold on Cowboy, Don’t Quit Your Job Yet Don’t go telling anybody that I said to quit your job.  At least not until you’ve read this post and laid the foundation for the income producing career that you’ve always wanted. The workforce is seemingly on a 9 to 5 schedule, …

Yesterday’s Challenges Conquered

You Are Here Because You Conquered Yesterday’s Challenge These days staying alive is a challenge.  So many innocent bystanders are struck down by gunfire, domestic disputes or other such nonsense.  It is a blessing to be here today.  At the end of the day, even your children conquered a challenge yesterday:  they …

Patience and Persistence is a Partnership

Hurry Up and Wait Sometimes when you set a goal or have a desire to do something, it just seems like it’s never going to come to pass.  Even when we make consistent strides towards achieving a goal, it seems like it takes forever for it to happen.  Some people will …